SOLOMON “ZOLMO” SILVERMANAge: 27 years1896–1924
- Name
- Given names
- Nickname
- Surname
- Nickname
Birth | June 27, 1896 (Tamuz 16, 5656) 47 41 |
Residence | June 28, 1900 (Tamuz 1, 5660) (Age 4 years) |
Residence | April 22, 1910 (Nissan 13, 5670) (Age 13 years) |
Death | January 17, 1924 (Shevat 11, 5684) (Age 27 years) |
Burial | Address: 3600 E Baltimore Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21224 Cemetery: Hebrew Friendship Cemetery |
Family with parents |
father |
MOSES AARON (MOSHARON) SILVERMAN … משה אהרן בייר זלמן זילבערמאן Birth: January 1849 (Tevet 5609) 40 33 — Russia Death: November 7, 1907 (Kislev 1, 5668) — Sykesville, Carroll County, Maryland, USA |
mother |
CAROLINE (CARRIE) F. BUCKNER … קיילע פיינע בת ר‛ צבי Birth: January 15, 1855 (Tevet 25, 5615) 36 42 — Russia Death: April 18, 1925 (Nissan 24, 5685) — 1913 North Monroe Street, Baltimore City, Maryland, USA |
Marriage: about 1875 (5635) — |
3 years elder brother |
HARRY SILVERMAN … צבי ב''ר משה אהרון Birth: February 10, 1878 (Adar I 7, 5638) 29 23 — Maryland, USA Death: December 11, 1931 (Tevet 1, 5692) — 3509 West Rogers Avenue, Baltimore City, Maryland, USA |
16 months elder sister |
CELIA SILVERMAN Birth: June 26, 1879 (Tamuz 5, 5639) 30 24 — Harrison Street, Baltimore City, Maryland, USA Death: February 17, 1950 (Shevat 30, 5710) — Baltimore, Maryland, USA |
2 years elder sister |
DENA SILVERMAN Birth: July 27, 1881 (Av 1, 5641) 32 26 Death: September 27, 1917 (Tishrei 11, 5678) — Baltimore City, Maryland, USA |
2 years elder sister |
REBECCA SILVERMAN Birth: November 20, 1883 (Heshvan 20, 5644) 34 28 — Baltimore City, Maryland, USA Death: July 5, 1930 (Tamuz 9, 5690) — Baltimore City, Maryland, USA |
3 years elder brother |
LOUIS S. SILVERMAN Birth: June 24, 1886 (Sivan 21, 5646) 37 31 — Maryland, USA Death: September 24, 1939 (Tishrei 11, 5700) |
3 years elder brother |
SIMON SILVERMAN Birth: August 14, 1889 (Av 17, 5649) 40 34 Death: January 7, 1892 (Tevet 7, 5652) |
2 years elder brother |
ISADOR SILVERMAN Birth: November 15, 1891 (Heshvan 14, 5652) 42 36 — Maryland, USA Death: December 7, 1964 (Tevet 2, 5725) — Wauchula, Hardee County, Florida, USA |
3 years elder sister |
ZELDA SILVERMAN Birth: May 5, 1894 (Nissan 29, 5654) 45 39 — Maryland, USA Death: February 6, 1966 (Shevat 16, 5726) |
2 years himself |
SOLOMON “ZOLMO” SILVERMAN Birth: June 27, 1896 (Tamuz 16, 5656) 47 41 — Maryland, USA Death: January 17, 1924 (Shevat 11, 5684) — Florida, USA |
Source | Note: Tombstone says death date Jan 17, 1924 |
Source | Family Tree - Will Ogburn for Silverman/Buckner Family Publication: Family Tree Dated February 2002 Text: 1900 census. The date of birth is given as June, 1896. The first name is not fully legible in the census, and may be something different than Rykvan. However, judging from cemetery records, I believe the correct name is Zolmo Silverman.
Zolmo Silverman is buried at Hebrew Friendship Cemetery in the family plot purchased by his mother Carrie, in which Carrie and several of Zolmo's siblings are buried. Zolmo's gravestone gives his date of birth as June 27, 1896 and his date of death as January 17, 1924. The date of birth corresponds with the 1900 census record.
Other Silvermans are buried in the family plot. These may be related to Zolmo or to one or more siblings: Rebecca Silverman (August 9, 1890 - June 17, 1921); Paul Silverman ("father" August 25, 1900 - January 15, 1953); Sylvan Silverman ("father" June 20, 1904 - January 22, 1958); Sadie Silverman (January 1, 1908 - August 24, 1979); Morris A. Silverman ("father" May 21, 1912 - December 4, 1952); Sylvia S. Wallach ("mother and wife" June 13, 1913 - January 22, 1972); and Robert L. Silverman (November 19, 1919 - June 14, 2000). Notes in the office file also indicate that Florence Silverman was buried June 10, 2001 and a map of the gravesite indicates a "Reba" as well |
Source | 1910 Census |
Source | 1900 Census Citation details: 1900 Maryland Census roll m2382-1 Vol 28 ED 72 Sheet 11 Line 92 |
Source | Obituaries Citation details: The Baltimore Sun Date of entry in original source: January 22, 1924 (Shevat 16, 5684) Text: SILVERMAN. - On January 18, 1924. at 3 A. M., Miami, Fla., SOLOMON, in his 27th year, beloved son of Carrie and the late Moses Silverman. Remains due to arrive x Tuesday at 6.50 A. M. - Services will be held at the Hebrew Friendship Cemetery Tuesday morning, January 22, at 9 o'clock. Please omit flowers. Note: Tombstone has death on January 17th, 1924. The tombstone says Zolmo, but assume that legal name was Solomon and Zolmo was a nickname. |
Source | Tombstone says death date Jan 17, 1924 |
Source | Tombstone has death on January 17th, 1924. The tombstone says Zolmo, but assume that legal name was Solomon and Zolmo was a nickname. |