ELSIE PADEREWSKIAge: 81 years1910–1992
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Birth | November 22, 1910 (Heshvan 20, 5671) |
Death | October 10, 1992 (Tishrei 13, 5753) (Age 81 years) |
Source | 1940 Census |
Source | Miscellaneous Sources Citation details: Cemeteries of Sarasota County Florida |
Source | Wedding/ Engagement Announcements Citation details: The Tampa Tribune Date of entry in original source: December 4, 1928 (Kislev 21, 5689) Text: Arcadian Weds Georgia Girl at Jacksonville
ARCADIA, Dec. 3. - (Special.) - Aurel Rosin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Rosin of this city, was married Thanksgiving night at Jacksonville, to Miss Elsa S. Paderewski of Isle of Hope, Savannah suburb, it became known here today. The couple have returned here and are residing in an apartment in Rio Vista. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. B. Maltlnski of Isle of Hope. |