The Markow Family Tree

Samuel Eli NackmanAge: 75 years18991974

Samuel Eli Nackman
Given names
Samuel Eli
Birth May 14, 1899 (Sivan 5, 5659) 46 45
MarriageIda R SacksView this family

Death December 8, 1974 (Kislev 24, 5735) (Age 75 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: October 14, 1876 (Tishrei 26, 5637)Riga, Latvia
10 months
elder brother
Haim-Isaak (Nathan) NOCHUMOWITZ
Birth: August 22, 1877 (Elul 13, 5637) 24 23Riga, Latvia
Death: June 26, 1946 (Sivan 27, 5706)Liverpool, Lancashire, England
23 months
elder sister
Birth: July 15, 1879 (Tamuz 24, 5639) 26 25Riga, Latvia
Death: September 17, 1880 (Tishrei 12, 5641)Riga, Latvia
2 years
elder sister
2 years
elder brother
Moisey (Moses) NOCHUMOWITZ
Birth: August 12, 1883 (Av 9, 5643) 30 29Riga, Latvia
Death: September 2, 1891 (Av 29, 5651)Riga, Latvia
2 years
elder brother
Israel-Leib (Srolke) NOCHUMOWITZ
Birth: September 7, 1885 (Elul 27, 5645) 32 31Riga, Latvia
Death: March 29, 1886 (Adar II 22, 5646)Riga, Latvia
3 years
elder brother
ר‛ דוד ליב בר שלום אליהו
Birth: February 25, 1888 (Adar 13, 5648) 35 34Riga, Latvia
Death: April 13, 1956 (Iyar 2, 5716)
2 years
elder brother
9 years
Samuel Eli Nackman
Birth: May 14, 1899 (Sivan 5, 5659) 46 45Riga, Latvia
Death: December 8, 1974 (Kislev 24, 5735)Baltimore County, Maryland, USA
Family with Ida R Sacks - View this family
Samuel Eli Nackman
Birth: May 14, 1899 (Sivan 5, 5659) 46 45Riga, Latvia
Death: December 8, 1974 (Kislev 24, 5735)Baltimore County, Maryland, USA
Nathan Solomon Nackman
Birth: November 3, 1927 (Heshvan 8, 5688) 28Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Death: November 23, 1998 (Kislev 4, 5759)Columbia, Howard County, Maryland, USA
Citation details: Lazarus Family Tree
Citation details: The Baltimore Sun
Date of entry in original source: December 10, 1974 (Kislev 26, 5735)
NACKMAN On December 8, 1974, SAMUEL ELI. beloved husband of Ida Nackman (nee Sacks), devoted father of Nathan S. Nackman, father-in-law of Beverly Nackman, beloved brother-in-law of Mrs. Sarah Sacks, grandfather of Lee, Debra and Barbara Nackman, brother of the late Nathan, David and Paul Nochumowitz. Services at Sol Levinson and Bros. Home, 6010 Reisterstown road on Monday, December 9 at 1 P.M. Interment In Mikro Kodesh Beth Israel Cemetery, Bowleys lane. Please omit flowers. Please make all contributions to the Coronary Care Unit of the Baltimore County General Hospital. In mourning at Balmoral Apts., Apt. 201, 6800 Liberty road (21207).